Comparison of viral population of pathologically and geographically different areas of Southern provinces and Jeju, Korea

  • Kim, Daehyun (Department of Genetic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Hyekyung Shim (Department of Genetic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Jaewook Hyeon (Citrus Experiment Station of the NJAES, Seoguipo city) ;
  • Kim, Kwangsik (Citrus Experiment Station of the NJAES, Seoguipo city) ;
  • Lee, Sukchan (Department of Genetic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


The objective of this work was to analyze the population of sequence variants of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates in Korea and to make the phylogeny trees of CTV in Korea. We also tried to analyze and find the mild strain of CTV to apply for the cross protection. The CTV isolates from yuzu (C. Junos) collected from different geographic areas of Southern provinces such as Namhae-Do, Kerche-Do, Bosung, Wan-Do and Koheung and Jeju-Bo, Korea were used for SSCP analysis. The SSCP profiles of the cDNAS obtained by RT-PCR with primers specifically designed for the p20 of the CTV population. The SSCP profiles obtained from 150 PCR products in yuzu contained two or three DNA bands, whereas, in some case, others contained four or more bands of similar intensity. The pathologically mild isolates of CTV usually yielded two DNA bands by SSCP profiles, whereas the SSCP profiles of the most virulent isolates contained more than two DNA bands. Plants shown severe stem pitting were corresponded to those plants with typical SSCP profiles of severe strains, and vice versa. This results indicate that the primers designed for SSCP analysis can be used for distinguishing the mild strains from severe strains of CTV.
