The role of $Na^+-Ca^{2+}$ exchange on calcium activated chloride current in single isolated cardiac myocyte in pulmonary vein of rabbit.

  • Kim, Won-Tae (Department of Physiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Yoon-Jin (Department of Physiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) ;
  • Ha, Jeong-Mi (Department of Physiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) ;
  • Han Choe (Department of Physiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) ;
  • Jang, Yeon-Jin (Department of Physiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) ;
  • Park, Chun-Sik (Department of Physiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Chae-Hun m (Department of Physiology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


We have shown the $Ca^{2+}$-activated chloride current is present in cardiac myocyte in rabbit pulmonary vein (Kim et al., 2002). This current amplitude was increased as [N $a^{+}$]$_{i}$ was increased and we suggested this chloride current may be involve in the spontaneous action potential frequency change. Since this current is activated by the increase of intracellular $Ca^{2+}$, we would like to test what is the inducer of the increase of [C $a^{2+}$]$_{i}$ between a L-type $Ca^{2+}$-current or a reverse mode of N $a^{+}$-C $a^{2+}$ exchange current. White rabbit (1.5 kg) was used and anesthetized with Ketamin (100 mg/kg). Pulmonary vein (PV) was isolated and sleeve area between left atrium and PV was dissected. Using collagenase (Worthington 0.7 mg/cc), single cardiac myocytes were isolated. In the presence of 15 mM of N $a^{+}$, three steps of voltage pulses were applied (holding potential : -40 ㎷, -80 ㎷ for 50 msec, 30 ㎷ for 5 msec, 10 ㎷ steps from -70 ㎷ to 60 ㎷). The inward and outward tail current was activated after brief 5 msec prepulse. The outward tail current was blocked by the removal of extracellular chloride substituted by glucuronic acid or by a chloride channel blocker, 5 mM 9-AC. But the inward tail current was still remained even though the amplitude was decreased. The reversal potentials were changed to the direction of the change of chloride equilibrium potential ( $E_{Cl}$ ) but the shift of equilibrium potential was not enough to match to the theoretical equilibrium potential shift. In the presence of L-type $Ca^{2+}$ channel blocker, nifedipine 1 uM, inward tail currents were greatly reduced but the outward current tail currents were still remained. In the presence of N $a^{+}$-C $a^{2+}$ exchange current blocker, 10 uM KB-R7943, the inward and outward tail currents were blocked almost completely. We tried to test the $Ca^{2+}$sensitivity of the chloride current with various [C $a^{2+}$]$_{i}$ in pipette solution from 100 nM to 1 uM but we failed to activate $Ca^{2+}$-activated chloride currents even though the cell became contracted in the presence of 1 uM $Ca^{2+}$. From these results, we could conclude that the increase of [C $a^{2+}$]$_{i}$ to activate the outward $Ca^{2+}$-activated chloride current was mainly induced by the activation of the reverse mode of N $a^{+}$-C $a^{2+}$ exchanger, But for the increase of [C $a^{2+}$]$_{i}$ to activate the inward tail current, L-type $Ca^{2+}$ current may be the major provoking current. Since the cytosolic increase of [C $a^{2+}$]$_{i}$ through pipette solution have failed to activate $Ca^{2+}$-activated chloride current, this chloride current may have very low $Ca^{2+}$ sensitivity or a comparmental increase $Ca^{2+}$ such as in subsarcolemmal space may activate the chloride current. Since there are several reports and models that the increase of $Ca^{2+}$ in subsarcolemmal space would be over several to tens of uM, both possibility may be valid together.uM, both possibility may be valid together.
