한강 하저터널에서의 암반분류 및 평가사례

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The Han River tunnel connecting Yoido and Mapo was constructed as a part of the Seoul subway line No.5, which is 52 km long, to improve the traffic conditions of Seoul. It is constructed 15.6∼30m below the river floor. It Is the first under-river tunnel in Korea with the length of 1,288m. Geological conditions of the ground under the Han River were more complex and irregular than expected at the design stage, because there were several faults, fracture zones and slickensided joints coated with graphite. It was thus indispensable to estimate the ground condition of the tunnel face to apply proper excavation and reinforcement methods. Advance borings and face mappings were performed before excavation to improve constructional efficiency and excavation stability.
