Proceedings of the KIPE Conference (전력전자학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2003.07b
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- Pages.942-948
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- 2003
Study about Conversion Efficiency of c-Si Solar Cells Using Low energy(40keV) Electron Beam
40keV 저에너지 전자빔을 이용한 단결정 Si 태양전지의 변환 효율에 관한 연구
- Yoon J.P. (Dept. of Electrical & Optic Electronics Eng. Dongshin University) ;
- Kang B.B. (Dept. of Electrical & Optic Electronics Eng. Dongshin University) ;
- Park S.J. (Dept. of Electrical & Optic Electronics Eng. Dongshin University) ;
- Yoon P.H. (Dept. of Electrical & Optic Electronics Eng. Dongshin University) ;
- Cha I.S. (Dept. of Electrical & Optic Electronics Eng. Dongshin University)
- 윤정필 (동신대학교 전기광전자공학부) ;
- 강병복 (동신대학교 전기광전자공학부) ;
- 박세준 (동신대학교 전기광전자공학부) ;
- 윤필현 (동신대학교 전기광전자공학부) ;
- 차인수 (동신대학교 전기광전자공학부)
- Published : 2003.07.01
This paper about the small electron beam irradiator for solar cell's efficiency. Many things are studied by method to increase conversion efficiency of solar cell. We selected electron beam by method for conversion efficiency of solar cell. Energy bands of this electron beam irradiator is 80keV(max.). And, solar cells that apply in this paper are crystal Si. Average efficiency of solar cell that applies in this experiment is 10