A Multilevel Inverter Using DC Link Voltage Combination

DC링크 전압 조합을 이용한 멀티 레벨 인버터

  • Published : 2003.07.01


In this paper, a novel multilevel inverter using DC-Link voltage combination is presented to reduce the harmonics of output voltage without the output filter inductor. The proposed multilevel inverter can generate 27-level output voltage. It employs three H-bridge cells which consist of single phase full-bridge inverter module. As well as, it can make continuous output voltage level employing the properly three DC-Link voltage ratio. The validity of the proposed inverter is verified through the experimental result using a prototype which can generate a 110[Vac], 60[Hz] output voltage from 12[Vdc], 36[vdc], and 108[Vdc] input voltages
