Proceedings of the KIPE Conference (전력전자학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2003.07b
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- Pages.536-539
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- 2003
Anti-Slip Control By Adhesion Effort Estimation Of Minimized Railway Vehicle
축소형 철도차량장치의 점착력 추정에 의한 Anti-Slip 제어
- Jeon K.Y. (Myongji Univ) ;
- Lee S.H. (Taedok College) ;
- Kang S.W. (Catholic Sangji College) ;
- Oh B.H. (Myongji College) ;
- Lee H.G. (Yong-in Songdam College) ;
- Kim Y.J. (Dongyang Tech. College) ;
- Han K.H. (Myongji Univ)
- 전기영 (명지대학교) ;
- 이승환 (대덕대학) ;
- 강승욱 (가톨릭상지대학) ;
- 오봉환 (명지전문대학) ;
- 이훈구 (용인송담대학) ;
- 김용주 (동양공업전문대학) ;
- 한경희 (명지대학교)
- Published : 2003.07.01
In electric motor coaches, the rolling stocks move by the adhesive effort between rail and driving wheel. Generally, the adhesive effort is defined by the function of both the weight of electric motor coach and the adhesive effort between rails and driving wheel. The characteristics of adhesive effort is strongly affected by the conditions between rails and driving wheel. When the adhesive effort decreases suddenly, the electric motor coach has slip phenomena. This paper proposes a re-adhesion control algorithm which uses the maximum adhesive effort by instantaneous estimation of adhesion force using load torque disturbance observer. Based on this estimated adhesive effort, the re-adhesion control is performed to obtain the maximum transfer of the tractive effort.