A Study on the DC-DC Converter for PDP using Soft Switching

소프트 스위칭 방식의 PDP용 DC-DC 컨버터

  • Ju J.K. (Division of Information and Communication Engineering, Chongju University.) ;
  • Ahn T.Y. (Division of Information and Communication Engineering, Chongju University.)
  • Published : 2003.07.01


Recently the PDP is the most remarkable media for a next generation display device. In this paper, we proposed the PDP dedicated DC-DC converter using a new soft switching method because the PDP has a lot of power dissipation so we need to develope. The proposed converter using one transformer has soft switching and a advantage to lower voltage stress in switch and also is predicted to have high power efficiency. we proposed the principles and theory using the zero voltage switching and verified the validity through a simulation.
