Analysis and modelling of the large capacity multilevel H-bridge inverter using Space vector modulation

Space vector modulation을 이용한 대용량 멀티 레벨 H-bridge 인버터의 해석 및 모델링

  • Published : 2003.07.01


Conventional variable-speed Induction motor drives with inverters are subject to detrimental effect of zero-sequence voltages, such a shaft voltage and bearing current. This paper presents a way of the suppression of the zero-sequence components in multilevel H-bridge inverters. First examined Is the inherent zero-sequence characteristic of the conventional subharmonic PW method. Then it is shown that the zero-sequence voltage can be eliminated with proper -selection of switching states with space vector modulation. Although this method alone restricts the linear modulation range of control, a combination of the proposed method and the minimum switching method appears to be effective in suppressing the zero-sequence voltage to minimum level while maintaining the linear control range.
