주오염원별 농업용저수지의 장기 수질특성변화

Long-term changes of water quality with regard to main Pollutant Sourses in Agricultural Reservoirs

  • 발행 : 2002.10.12


This study has been carried out to analized of long term changes of water quality with regard to main pollutant sources in agricultural reservoirs on the basis of data during 1996-2001. The major source was domestic wastewater(DWW) and water pollution by non-point sources(NPS) is increasing as time goes. It was determined that Seasonly average values of DWW were pH $7.6{\sim}8.7$, COD $7.0{\sim}9.4$, T-N $0.74{\sim}2.07$, T-P $0.05{\sim}0.62$, Live-stock wastewater(LWW) were pH $7.5{\sim}8.9$, COD $5.5{\sim}9.8$, T-N $0.57{\sim}1.91$, T-P $0.04{\sim}0.13$, NPS were pH $7.1{\sim}8.3$, COD $3.1{\sim}5.2$, T-N $0.29{\sim}1.44$, T-P $0.02{\sim}0.07$. Fluctuation of DWW and LWW were very wide and variable long term patterns of them were similar. Trophic states by Carlson Index of DWW and LWW was classified as eutrophic to hypretrophic from chl-a, T-P concentration.
