초음속 충돌제트에 대한 수치적 연구와 응용

Prediction of Supersonic Jet Impingement on Flat Plate and Its Application

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


Supersonic jet impingement on a flat plate has been investigated to show the flow physics for different jet heights and to demonstrate the adequacy of the characteristics-based flux-difference Wavier-Stokes code Current study also compares the steady-state solutions obtained with variable CFL number for different grid spacing with the time-accurate unsteady solutions using the inner iterations, displaying a good agreement between the two sets of numerical solutions. The unsteady nature of wall fluctuations due to bouncing of the plate shock is also uncovered for high pressure ratios. The methodology is then applied to a complex vertical launcher system where the jet plume hits the bottom wail, deflects into the plenum and eventually exits through the vertical uptake. Flow structures within vertical launcher system are captured and solutions are partially verified against the flight test data. Present jet impingement study thus shows the usefulness of CFD in designing a complex structure and predicting flow behavior within such a system.
