차세대 군함에 응용될 새로운 기술에 관한 고찰

A Study for the new Technologies applying to the Next Generation Warship

  • 발행 : 2002.10.25


The joint warfighting environment, arranged by the net work-centrics, consists, with the situational awareness, the battlespace deconfliction, the joint force ID/location/allocation, and the ordnance on targets, considered by the concepts evolving In meet the future scenarios and threats. And then, the next generation warships have the operational requirements, such as the major offensive capability, the low operating cost, the ability to operate in net. centric forces, the revolutionary stealth, the in-stride mine avoidance, and the revolutionary manning. Therefore, the proposal discussed at this paper will be accepted in order to resolve only the portion of the afore-mentioned problems.
