지진하중을 받는 다층 뼈대구조물의 다목적 최적설계

Multi-Objective Optimization of Multistory Shear Building Under Seismic Loads

  • 조효남 (한양대학교 토목환경공학과) ;
  • 민대홍 (안산공과대학 토목) ;
  • 정봉교 (한양대학교 토목환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


In this paper, an improved multi-objective optimmum design method is proposed. And it is applied to steel frames under seismic loads. The multi-objective optimization problem is formulated with three optimality criteria, namely, minimum structural weight and maximum strain energy and stability. The Pareto curve can be obtained by performing the multi-objective optimization for multistory shear buildings. In order to efficiently solve the multi-objective optimization problem the decomposition method that separates both system-level and element-level is used. In addition, various techniques such as effective reanalysis technique with respect to intermediate variables and sensitivity analysis using an automatic differentiation (AD) we incorporated. Moreover, the relationship function among section properties induced from the profile is used in order to link system-level and element level. From the results of numerical investigation, it may be stated that the proposed method will lead to the more rational design compared with the conventional one.
