스캐닝 평면 음향 홀로그래피에서의 스펙트럴 분산 보정

Compensation for Spectral Variance in Scan-Based Planar Acoustical Holography

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  • J. S. Bolton (Purdue University) ;
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  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


Multi-reference, scan-based Acoustical Holography is a useful measurement technique when insufficient microphones are available to measure a complete hologram at once. When the sound sources are stationary, the whole hologram can be constructed by joining together sub-holograms captured using a relatively small scan array. Here that approach is extended by the development of a formulation that explicitly includes the acoustical transfer functions between the reference microphones and the scanning microphones. Based on those expressions, a compensation procedure of spectral variance due to source-non-stationarity is proposed. It has been verified both numerically and experimentally that this procedure can help suppress spatially distributed noise caused by the source level non-stationarity that is always present in a measurement.
