The Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Fracture of Gypsum with Three Discontinuities

삼중 불연속면을 가진 석고의 파괴에 대한 실험 및 수치해석에 관한 연구

  • 사공명 (한양대학교 건설 기술연구소)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


The specimens with three discontinuities have been tested in uniaxial compression. The geometry of discontinuities is changed by three different parameters: flaw inclination angle, continuity, and spacing. From the tips of the discontinuities wing and secondary cracks are observed. Wing cracks initially propagate curvilinear direction and follow loading direction after some distance from the tip of the discontinuities. Two different types of secondary cracks have been observed from the study: quasi-coplanar secondary cracks and oblique secondary cracks. From the test nine different types of coalescence are observed and they show a correlation with flaw angle and ligament angle. It is attempted to simulate the observed results by using FROCK(Fractured ROCK). FROCK is a code based on the hybridized DDM(Displacement Discontinuities Method) . It is shown that FROCK has quite potential of modeling of rock fracture processes.
