CFCs 조사를 위한 지하수 시료채취방법 비교 및 평가

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


Two sampling methods for chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) in groundwater were compared and assessed with groundwater samples in Jeju Island. CFCs concentrations from copper tube method were widely variable among triplicates and higher than those from flame-sealed glass ampule method. For the copper tube method, this is aggravated by rubber packings in the faucet of discharge line of wells, which was removed for the glass ampule method. The poor reproducibility and apparent contamination of results by copper tube method is due to the improper sealing of copper tubes and materials in water discharge line. This suggests that it is more difficult to achieve complete isolation from the atmosphere in the copper tube method and that materials that could release CFCs should be avoided along the sampling flow lines. It seems that the flame-sealed glass ampule method is more relevant for groundwater sampling for CFCs though it requires more complicated equipments and procedures.
