암반지하수 저류지 개발 전망

  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


When the United Nation classified as Korea is the one of the water deficit country. The consensus was made that the water is the one of the precious national resources. Government increases their R/D budget trying to get more clean water bodies. For instances, 'Sustainable Water Resources Development' project is the one of major title in '21 Century Frontier Research project and there are several small research projects are undergoing by the Ministry of Agriculture and KARICO. However, when the environmental preservation issue has been get more emphasis, construction of the Surface Dam met the blockage from the environmentalists due to the problem of the their water buried area. Since the most fitting site for surface dam had been used in the past, some engineer move their focus on modification of the existing Dam's height to enlarge its capacity or dredging the bottom of the reservoir recently However dredging evoke water quality problem in return by accumulated materials at the bottom. Last year the Dong Gang Dam plan has been canceled by environmental problem in water buried area of the reservoir. With the point of this view, ground water gets more focus for the one of the useful alternative for clean water bodies. Underground dam technique which had widely applied once in the early nineteen eighties by the KARICO and attenuated due to engineering insufficiency. The technique is newly studied with the advanced engineering technique. Still groundwater usage rate in Korea is much lower comparing with the advanced countries and has many rooms to develop. Wells, under ground dam and radial collector wells are typical facilities up to now. There is little application in Korea for the Recharge Dam, which had been widely used in the advanced countries. The Recharge Dam is technique to conjunct surface water and groundwater body together, This technique had developed to increase groundwater recharge at the beginning This research is the result of the study on the possibility of the development of the new technology, Groundwater Reservoir' which was modified from Recharge Dam. Groundwater Reservoir is like a deep artificial lakes trenched in hard rock aquifer to get groundwater. The advantage of the Groundwater Reservoir is followings 1) It can be developed at the plains area, not in the deep valley 2) Huge water body can be developed without dam 3) Small buried area comparing surface water dam makes the least environmental effect. 4) Trenching cost can be substitute by the income of the selling rock debris 5) Outfit of the reservoir can be modified to match with the site prospect 6) Rock debris can be used as constructing materials 7) It can be used as groundwater recharge system when the heavy rains comes 8) The reservoir looks like scenery lake with huge clean water bodies.
