우리나라의 브랜드 쌀 생산 및 이용현황

  • 최해춘 (농촌진흥청 작물시험장)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


The self-sufficiency of rice production was attained in 1975 through development of Tongil-type high-yielding rices and rapid dissemination to farmers and innovation of cultivation technologies, so-called "green revolution" in Korea. It can be continued during the last twenty seven years except some years with meterological disasters. The national average of milled rice yield per ha was only 3.1 ton at the first half of 1960′s, but it drastically increased to 5.0 ton at the 2nd half of 1990′s. Also, the rice quality was highly improved through the continuous varietal improvement of high-yielding japonica rice cultivars. The amounts of rice stock will go beyond about 1.9 million tons in 2002 due to the recent continuos bumper rice crop and relatively rapid reducing in rice consumption. There are so many rice brands over 1,200 in Korea, but most of rice commodities are not enough controlled in terms of marketing quality and palatability of cooked rice. Although the most rice brands are not properly controlled in quality management, its average level of grain quality is largely improved through the continuously increased diffusion of newly-developed high-quality rice cultivars since 1991. The rapid construction of rice processing complex(RPC) since 1992 also accelerates the production and distribution of brand rices. Especially, about half of distribution amounts are covered by brand rice commodities of the agricultural cooperative associations. The rice is mainly consumed by the type of cooked rice. The amounts of rice consumption for food processing is only below 4% of total rice consumption. The processed rice foods is mainly consumed as various processed cooked rices, rice cakes, and rice wines.
