한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference)
- 한국정밀공학회 2002년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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- Pages.782-785
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- 2002
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- 2005-8446(pISSN)
연주 설비용 몰드 오실레이터의 강건 설계
Robust Design of the Mold Oscillator of continuous Casting Machine
- Park, Y. T. (Mech. Eng. Dept. POSTECH) ;
- Lee, C. S. (LG Electronics) ;
Hwang, W.
(Mech. Eng. Dept. POSTECH) ;
- Kang, G. P. (RIST) ;
- Shin, G. (RIST)
- 발행 : 2002.05.01
The goal of this research is to deduce the robust design of mold oscillator of the continuous casting machine. In the case of the system operated in the high temperature condition, the structural problems caused by the heat are dominant. Therefore, the thermal stress is considered with the connection of the thermal and structural analyses. The cooling ability of the water jacket was estimated and the robustness of mold oscillator was judged with the displacement and stress distributions obtained by the finite element method. The analytic results were compared with the real values of the iron mill.