A Study on the application of TVS for snubber

스너버 회로를 위한 TVS 소자의 활용 연구

  • 이완윤 (㈜오토닉스 제어계측연구소) ;
  • 정교범 (홍익대학교 전자전기컴퓨터공학부)
  • Published : 2002.11.01


The switching device in an inductive circuit is stressed by the over-voltage at the turn-off time. Thus if the peak value of the over-voltage is not properly limited, the switching device may be broken. Therefore, the snubber circuit should be added to protect the switching device from the over-voltage. The circuit designer must be familiar with the design of the snubber This paper tests the possibility that TVS instead of the conventional snubber can be applied to the protection circuit of the switching device without using the complicated design equations, and shows that the rating of TVS can be easily selected by considering only several parameters of TVS. The experimental results show the reduced switching voltage of the switching device at the turn-off time.
