Induction Motor Speed Control System using Two Phase SRPP-PWM Scheme

2상 SRPP-PWM 기법을 사용한 유도모터 속도제어 시스템

  • Published : 2002.11.01


In this paper, 2 phase modulated SRPP-PWM(Separately Random Pulse Position PWM) is proposed. This PWM technique is based on the 2 phase modulated SVPWM(Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation). In according to the theory of SVPWM, 2 phase modulated SVPWM uses two pulses, not three pulses as in 3 phase modulated SVPWM. In the proposed SRPP-PWM scheme, each of two phase pulses is located randomly in each switching interval. The experimental results show that the voltage and switching noise harmonics are spread to a wide band area. Also, the performance of the proposed 2 phase modulated SRPP-PWM and the conventional SVPWM are compared to each other In result, the speed response is nearly similar to each other from the viewpoint of the v/f constant control.
