대호간척지의 환경농업 추진현황과 발전방향

Present Status and Future Prospect of Environment Agriculture in Daeho Reclain ed Saline Area

  • 채제천 (단국대학교 생명자원과학부)
  • Chae Je-Cheon (School of Bio-Resources Science, Dankook University)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


Environment agriculture carried out from 1999 in Daeho reclaimed saline area, located in central east cost of Choongnam Korea, resulted in dramatic reduction of amount of nitrogen fertilizer and application times and amount of pesticides. The ecological status of Daeho reclaimed saline area was considered to still very sound from the results of ecological survey on flora and fauna. However, it was desirable to adapt precision agriculture for production of high eating quality of rice and preservation of Daeho ecosystem. Especially, precise application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer was recommendable for prevention of water pollution in environment rice cultivation by duck or mud snail or crab. The bioefficacy of Scirpus maritimus and Echinochloa crus-galli in paddy field of environment rice cultivation by duck or mud snail or crab in Daeho reclaimed saline area was revealed very low. Therefor, it was concluded that the pre-measures of reduction of natural weed population were necessary for successful environment agriculture. The most desirable and ideal environmentally sound agriculture in Daeho reclaimed saline area was performance of crop rotation, introduction of legume crops and green manure crops, and also, simultaneous management of crop production and animal husbandry for smooth flow of energy cycle within the closed Daeho ecosystem.
