초음파를 이용한 중수로내 칼란드리아관과 원자로 정지물질 주입관과의 간격 측정

Ultrasonic Measurement of Gap between Calandria Tube and Liquid Injection Nozzle in CANDU Reactor

  • 손석만 (한국전력공사 전력연구원) ;
  • 김태룡 (한국전력공사 전력연구원) ;
  • 이준신 (한국전력공사 전력연구원) ;
  • 이영희 (한국수력원자력 월성원자력본부) ;
  • 박철훈 ((주)카이텍)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.27


Calandria tube wrapping each pressure tube is one of the key structural components of CANDU reactor(Calandria) which is consisted of many pressure tubes containing nuclear fuel assemblies. As the Calandria tube(made of zirconium alloy) is sagging due to its thermal and irradiation creep during the plant operation, it possibly contacts with liquid injection nozzle crossing beneath the Calandria tube, which subsequently results in difficulties on the safe operation. It is therefore necessary to check the gap for the confirmation of no contacts between the two tubes, Calandria tube and liquid injection tube, with a proper measure during the life of plant. In this study, an ultrasonic measurement method was selected among several methods investigated. The ultrasonic device being developed for the measurement of the gap was introduced and its preliminary performance test results were presented here. The gap between LIN and CT at site was measured using by this ultrasonic device at site.
