대한기계학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KSME Conference)
- 대한기계학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회논문집B
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- Pages.222-227
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- 2001
인텔리전트 피그를 위한 주행거리계의 개발
Development of the Odometer System for the Intelligent Pig
- 박승수 (한국가스공사 연구개발원) ;
- 김동구 (한국가스공사 연구개발원) ;
- 유휘룡 (한국가스공사 연구개발원) ;
(한국가스공사 연구개발원) ;
- 박대진 (한국가스공사 연구개발원) ;
(한국가스공사 연구개발원) ;
(한국가스공사 연구개발원) ;
(서울대학교 전기공학부) ;
- 홍현수 (서울대학교 전기공학부) ;
- 서재원 (서울대학교 전기공학부) ;
(광운대학교 정보제어공학과)
- Park, S.S. ;
- Kim, D.K. ;
- Yoo, H.R. ;
Cho, S.H.
- Park, D.J. ;
Koo, S.J.
Rho, Y.W.
Lee, J.G.
- Hong, H.S. ;
- Seo, J.W. ;
Park, C.G.
- 발행 : 2001.06.27
This paper introduces the spring-mounted odometer system which maintains the correct contact with the pipe wall and measures the distance along the pipe. The odometer wheel is designed to keep contact to the pipelines inner wall and to generate fifty rectangular pulses per one turn(l59.5681mm) during pigging. The pipeline has the defects in various types such as buckles, winkles, cracks, dents, welding point and so on. Specially, girth welding points which exist each 12m of the pipeline, much affects the operational environment of the odometer. The measurement error of the distance along the pipe is accumulated, for the measurement error of wheel's circumference and the pipeline inner environment. So, this paper proposes the method for the error compensation based on the analysis of the odometer's behavior around the girth welding point of pipe. The experimental results show that developed odometer system can be used for the intelligent pig with good performances.