Estimating of Pollutant Load at Paddy Field Area

광역논에서의 오염물질 부하량 산정

  • Published : 2001.10.12


In this study, pollutant load from paddy field was estimated by regression equation from 5 to 8 in 2001. During study period, total rainfall was 511.3mm and runoff discharge was 968.71mm. Regression equation between flow rate(m3/s) and pollutant loading rate(g/s) is exponential relationship. For site 1, coefficient of determination (R2) for $COD_{cr}$, T-P, T-N were 0.7068, 0.8441, 0.6806 respectively and site 2, 0.9369, 0.8855, 0.4262 respectively. Considering unit loads, Jun was the highest valus as 13.85 $COD_{c}kg/km2/day$, 0.24 T-Pkg/km2/day, 1.22 T-Nkg/km2/day. Until study period, total $COD_{cr}$ load estimated regression equation is 19.32kg/km2/day and, T-P, T-N were 0.264, 1.88 respectively
