Water and Nutrient Balance during rice cropping period using difference fertilization paddy plot in ground water irrigation region

지하수관개지역에서의 수도재배기간중 시비량의 변화에 따른 영양물질 수지 분석

  • Published : 2001.10.12


This study was performed to examine water and nutrient balance during rice cropping period using difference fertilization paddy plot in ground water irrigation region. The experimental rice paddy consist of three plot, Treatment of Excess fertilization(TEF) and Treatment of Standard Fertilization(TSF) and Treatment of Reduce Fertilization(TRF). As result, input amount to rice paddy was almost rainfall and output was direct runoff through drainage. nutrient input amount was upper paddy in case COD and fertilization in case Total nitrogen and total phosphorus, and output was drainage in all nutrient.
