정밀 제진대 개발 및 동특성에 관한 실험적 연구

Development of precision vibration isolation table and study of dynamic characteristics with experiment

  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


Recently, the high precision technology can not be developed continuously if we don't have anti vibration technology. Vibration isolation technology using an air spring and laminated robber bearing is widely used because it has excellent vibration isolation characteristics. We developed high precision vibration table with two good element(air spring and LRB) for semiconductor factory. Air Spring is used for isolating the vertical vibration and LRB is used for isolating the horizontal Vibration. As a result, It has D-Class degree in BBR-Criteria. In this paper, we talk about orifice characteristics in the self-damped air spring and design flow of the laminated robber bearing. The orifice characteristics is delicate shade of length and diameter. When we do experimentation to find orifice characteristics, length is fixed and diameter is changed. The orifice diameter is the wider and the air spring stiffness is the softer.
