Obstacle Avoidance of Underactuated Robot Manipulators Using Switching Computed Torque Method

  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


This paper presents a new concept for controlling of under actuated robot manipulators with avoiding obstacles using switching computed torque method (SCTM). One fundamental approach of this algorithm is to use the partly stable controllers (PSCs) in order to fulfill the ultimate control objective. Here, we use genetic algorithms (GA)in order to employ the optimum control action for a given time frame with the available set of elemental controllers, depending on which links/variables are controlled, i.e. the selection of optimum switching sequence of the control actions. The proposed approach models links of the robot using evolving ellipses and then introduces a penalty scheme for the objective function of GA when it detects collisions. An under actuated robot manipulator, which has three detrees-of-freedom is taken into consideration so as to illustrate the design procedure. Simulation results show the e.ectiveness of the proposed method.
