PBD공법의 품질 및 계측관리

Quality and Measure Controls for Plastic Board Drains Method

  • 박영목 (영남대학교 공과대학 토목공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


This paper presents quality and measure controls of Plastic Board Drains(PBD) for improvement of soft ground. Laboratory and field tests has been carried out to evaluate the quality of PBD focussing on : discharge capacity of flow area; permeability of filter sleeve; migration of fine particles; deformed shape of PBD; consolidation of clay in the close vicinity of PBD; tensile strength of PBD; long-term consolidation behavior of clay-PBD. Test results show that the quality of PBD is sufficient to perform the improvement of soft silty and clayey ground. But, geotechnical engineer must make efforts minimizings of PBD damage and ground disturbance, continuity of drainage system during construction. Adequate monitoring system should apply at ground focussing on number, location, and accuracy of geotechnical instrumentation, measurement and evaluation of data for ground behaviour.
