한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
- 한국지반공학회 2001년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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- Pages.563-570
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- 2001
준설매립지반의 안정처리를 위한 수평배수재의 공학적 특성
Engineering Characteristics of Horizontal Drainage for Stabilization of Dredged Fill
In this study, the charactersistics of horizontal drains used to stabilize the dredged fill are investigated experimentally by doing tensile strength test, discharge capacity test, and filter clogging test. The types of the drains selected for the study are filament type (Tyre-E), embossed type(Type-P) and heat bonded cubic type with the thickness 10mm(Type-010) and 5mm(Type-05). The results of tensile strength and discharge capacity test show that the performance of drain Type-O10 was better than the other drains. This is caused by the fact that the lattice shape core of drain Type-O10 has strong rigidity and minimizes the loss of the sectional area of discharge with increased confining pressure. Analyzing the compatibility of filters by the results of the strength characteristics test and clogging test, the filter of filament type drain produced with polyester clothed polyamide performed well.