침투력이 터널 막장의 안정성에 미치는 영향 연구 - 모형실험을 중심으로 -

Effect of Seepage Forces on the Tunnel Face Stability - Assessing through Model Tests -

  • 이인모 (고려대학교 공과대학 토목환경공학과) ;
  • 안재훈 (고려대학교 공과대학 토목환경공학과) ;
  • 남석우 (고려대학교 공과대학 토목환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


In this study, two factors are simultaneously considered for assessing tunnel face stability: one is the effective stress acting on the tunnel face calculated by upper bound solution; and the other is the seepage force calculated by numerical analysis under the condition of steady-state groundwater flow. The seepage forces calculated by numerical analysis are compared with the results of a model test. From the results of derivations of the upper bound solution with the consideration of seepage forces acting on the tunnel face, it could be found that the minimum support pressure for the face stability is equal to the sum of effective support pressure and seepage pressure acting on the tunnel face. Also it could be found that the average seepage pressure acting on the tunnel face is proportional to the hydrostatic pressure at the same elevation and the magnitude is about 22% of the hydrostatic pressure for the drainage type tunnel and about 28% for the water-proof type tunnel. The model tests performed with a tunnel model had a similar trend with the seepage pressure calculated by numerical analysis. From the model tests it could be also found that the collapse at the tunnel face occurs suddenly and leads to unlimited displacement.
