A Robust Sensorless Vector Control System for Induction Motors

  • Huh Sung-Hoe (Department of Electrical Enginering, Korea University) ;
  • Choy Ick (Intelligent System Control Research Center, KIST) ;
  • Park Gwi-Tae (Department of Electrical Enginering, Korea University)
  • Published : 2001.10.01


In this paper, a robust sensorless vector control system for induction motors with a speed estimator and an uncertainty observer is presented. At first, the proposed speed estimator is based on the MRAS(Mode Reference Adaptive System) scheme and constructed with a simple fuzzy logic(FL) approach. The structure of the proposed FL estimator is very simple. The input of the FL is the rotor flux error difference between reference and adjustable model, and the output is the estimated incremental rotor speed Secondly, the unmodeled uncertainties such as parametric uncertainties and external load disturbances are modeled by a radial basis function network(RBFN). In the overal speed control system, the control inputs are composed with a norminal control input and a compensated control input, which are from RBFN observer output and the modeling error of the RBFN, repectively. The compensated control input is derived from Lyapunov unction approach. The simulation results are presented to show the validity of the proposed system.
