고속화차용 현가장치 적정 설계변수 선정에 관한 연구

A study to determine the Design parameters of high speed freight wagon

  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


The freight wagon with weld fabricated 1-piece bogies, which was developed to increase operating speed, reveals its difficulties in maintenance. The weld-fabricated bogies were composed of two-stage coil spring and dry friction damping mechanism. The inborn wear parts and rather complicated structure mattes bogie maintenance difficult. In order to relieve this difficulties, the application of maintenance free rubber suspension is proposed by bogie maunfacturer, Taeyang Precision Limited. This study was conducted to determine design parameters of proposed rubber suspension by means of vehicle dynamic simulation and parametric study. The target critical speed of bogie was set over 150km/h for the preparation of further speed-up of freight wagon.
