Damage Assessment of Buried Pipelines Due to Tunnelling

터널 굴착에 의한 지중 매설관의 손상평가

  • 유충식 (성균관대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 윤효석 (성균관대학교 토목공학과)
  • Published : 2000.11.01


Ground movements are inevitably caused by tunnel construction in soft ground. In the design and construction of tunnels in urban areas, the potential effects of buried pipelines by ground movements are one of the important design cosiderations. Generally, the most common modes of failure of buried pipelines due to ground movements are tensile fracture of main pipelines, rotation angle and pull-out displacement at joints. In the parametric study, a wide range of conditions were considered, including tunnel diameter(D), tunnel depth(Z$\sub$0/), volume loss(V$\sub$ι/) and inflection point(i). Based on this results, design charts, which are applicable to assess potential damage of buried pipelines associated ground movements due to tunnelling, are developed.
