전단시험 중 모래입자의 변형에 관한 연구

Study on the Evolution of Sand Structure during Shearing

  • 이석원 (한국건설기술연구원 지하구조물그룹)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


This paper summarizes the results of a study which has quantified the evolution of the structure of sands adjacent to geomembranes of varying roughness at different stages of shearing. The results show that the structure evolution, and hence shear mechanisms for rounded uniform sands adjacent to geomembranes, are directly influenced by the surface roughness of the geomembranes. For smooth geomembranes, the shear mechanism predominantly involves sliding of sand particles and only affects the sand structure within two particle diameters of the geomembrane. For slightly textured geomembranes, the effects of interlocking and dilation of sand particles extends the zone of evolution to four particles diameters from the interface. For moderately/heavily textured geomembranes, the interlocking and dilation of sand particles is fully developed and results in large dilation in the interfacial zone, which extends up to six particle diameters from the interface. By understanding how the structure of the sand adjacent to geomembranes of different roughness changes during shearing, it may be possible to identify alternative geomembrane roughening procedures and patterns that can lead to more efficient interface designs.
