한반도 남부 지진의 지역 규모식

The ML scale in southern Korea

  • 홍태경 (서울대학교 대학원 지구환경과학부 석사과정, 학생회원)
  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


The distance correction term -logA0 of the local magnitude scale was estimated for earthquakes in southern Korea using linear least-squares inversion and interpolation scheme. Total 1054 short-period velocity seismograms from 107 local events recorded at hypocentral distances ranging from 10 to 480 km were used in this study. Simulated Wood-Anderson amplitudes were obtained from velocity seismograms with use of revised Wood-Anderson instrument response with static magnification 2080, damping factor 0.7, and natural period 0.8 sec. The estimated distance correction term for southern Korea is found to be -logA0=1.137 log(r/17) + 0.001159(r-17) + 20, where r is hypocentral distance in kilometers. The attenuation rate of this distance correction term falls between those of southern California and eastern North America.
