4족 보행 로봇의 착지점 선정에 관한 연구

A Study on the Footholds Selection for Quadruped Walking Vehicle

  • 정경민 (선문대 기계 및 제어공학부) ;
  • 박윤창 (선문대 기계 및 제어공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


Inadequate footholds selection may result in deadlock state where the walking vehicle can not anymore to the desired direction. This paper concerns about the footholds selection for quadruped v, vehicle to walk with the leg lifting sequence of crawl gait which is desired for straight motion. supporting states for lifting a leg are defined and the proper supporting condition for quadruped c: also proposed. When selecting a footholds of swing leg within the proposed footholds searching are; supporting states after the swing legs are placed, satisfy the proper supporting condition. So it can I for quadruped to execute continuous walking with the lifting sequence of crawl gait.
