신경회로망을 이용한 이중암 로봇의 충돌회피를 위한 최적작업계획

Optimal Task Planning for Collision-Avoidance of Dual-Arm Robot Using Neural Network

  • 최우형 (경남대학교 대학원 메카트로닉스학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


Collision free task planning for dual-arm robot which perform many subtasks in a common work space can be achieved in two steps : path planning and trajectory planning. path planning finds the order of tasks for each robot to minimize path lengths as well as to avoid collision with static obstacles. A trajectory planning strategy is to let each robot move along its path as fast as possible and delay one robot at its initial position or reduce speed at the middle of its path to avoid collision with the other robot.
