Sea level observations at Kerguelen island in the South Indian Ocean by ARGOS satellite data

ARGOS 위성 자료를 이용한 남인도양 케르겔른섬의 해수면 조사

  • 윤홍주 (여수대학교 해양시스템공학부 해양공학부) ;
  • 김영섭 (부경대학교 지구환경학부 위성정보학과) ;
  • 서애숙 (기상청 기상연구소 원격탐사연구실) ;
  • 정효상 (기상청 기상연구소 원격탐사연구실) ;
  • 안명환 (기상청 기상연구소 원격탐사연구실)
  • Published : 2000.04.01


We observed sea level variation of the long time at Kerguelen island in the South Indian Ocean with ARGOS data and meteorological data during about 1 year(May 1993~March 1994) through using filter, spectral analysis, coherency and phase, and found characteristics for the two oceanic signal levels(detided oceanic signal level, h$_{detided}$ and seasonal oceanic level, h$_{corr.ib}$). The forms of variations are very well agreed to between ARGOS data and meteorological data for atmospheric pressure in the observed periods. The seasonal difference of sea level between Summer and Winter is about 1.6cm. Both the detided oceanic signal level(h$_{detided}$) variation and the inverted barometer level(h$_{ib}$) variation have a strong correlation for T>1day period bands. Characteristics of h$_{detided}$ variation are decided not by the influence of any meteorological distributions (pressure, winds, etc), but the influence of another factors(temperature, salinity, etc.) for T>2days periods bands. h$_{corr.ib}$ plays an very important role of sea level variation of the long time term(especially T>about 180days period bands).
