배경잡음을 고려한 가변임계값 Dual Rate ADPCM 음성 CODEC 구현

Implementation of Variable Threshold Dual Rate ADPCM Speech CODEC Considering the Background Noise

  • 양재석 (단국대학교 전기공학과) ;
  • 한경호 (단국대학교 전기공학과)
  • Yang, Jae-Seok (Department of Electrical Engineering, DanKook University) ;
  • Han, Kyong-Ho (Department of Electrical Engineering, DanKook University)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.17


This paper proposed variable threshold dual rate ADPCM coding method which is modified from the standard ADPCM of ITU G.726 for speech quality improvement. The speech quality of variable threshold dual rate ADPCM is better than single rate ADPCM at noisy environment without increasing the complexity by using ZCR(Zero Crossing Rate). In this case, ZCR is used to divide input signal samples into two categories(noisy & speech). The samples with higher ZCR is categorized as the noisy region and the samples with lower ZCR is categorized as the speech region. Noisy region uses higher threshold value to be compressed by 16Kbps for reduced bit rates and the speech region uses lower threshold value to be compressed by 40Kbps for improved speech quality. Comparing with the conventional ADPCM, which adapts the fixed coding rate. the proposed variable threshold dual rate ADPCM coding method improves noise character without increasing the bit rate. For real time applications, ZCR calculation was considered as a simple method to obtain the background noise information for preprocess of speech analysis such as FFT and the experiment showed that the simple calculation of ZCR can be used without complexity increase. Dual rate ADPCM can decrease the amount of transferred data efficiently without increasing complexity nor reducing speech quality. Therefore result of this paper can be applied for real-time speech application such as the internet phone or VoIP.
