Independence Condition in the Repeated Randomized Response Models

반복시행된 확률화 응답(RRD) 모형의 독립조건

  • Lee Kwan J. (Department of Statistics, Dongguk University) ;
  • Kook Sejeong (Department of Statistics, Dongguk University)
  • Published : 2000.11.01


Krishnamoorphy and Raghavarao(1993) invented exact binomial and asymptotically normal test procedures for truthful answering in the repeated randomized response models under the assumption that two repeated response measures are independent. Under the same assumption, Lakshmi and Raghavarao(1992) suggested asymptotic chi-square test for respondents' truthful answering in the same models. In this article we detect the factors and the conditions with which two response variables might be independent, and find the condition for independence in the repeated randomized response models with considering untruthful answer. But, the condition of independence make the randomized model no meaning. Under the assumption of conditional independence between two response variables, we can apply the same logical statements on deriving the tests for truthful answering in the repeated randomized response models as in Krishnamoorphy and Raghavarao(1993).
