The influence habituation on psychophysiological differentation of automobile horns with different psychoacoustic characteristics

자극 습관화가 자동차 경적음의 심리음향 특성에 따른 심리생리적 予분에 미치는 영향

  • Min Yoon-Ki (Department of Psychology, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Sokhadze Estate M. (Department of Psychology, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Yi ImGap (Department of Psychology, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Jho Moon Jae (Acoustic and Vibration Group, KRISS) ;
  • Sohn Jin-Hun (Department of Psychology, Chungnam National University)
  • 민윤기 (충남대학교 심리학과) ;
  • ;
  • 이임갑 (충남대학교 심리학과) ;
  • 조문재 (한국표준과학연구원 음향진동 그룹) ;
  • 손진훈 (충남대학교 심리학과)
  • Published : 1999.07.01


Psychoacoustic characteristics of automobile hems influence subject's subjective evaluation and psychophysiological reactions on the sounds of car horns. However, differentiation of physiological responses to commercially availablenfluence subject's subjective evaluation and psychophysiological reactions on the s horns is a complicated task due to the small contrast in technical features of horns and the influence of habituation. Using 10 college students, comparative analysis of physiological reactivity was carried out in order to identify the effect of habituation on decrement of psychophysiological responsivity, assess the ability to differentiate subjectively most and least preferred/appropriate horns according to physiological manifestations. EEG and autonomic responses to 7 automobile horns were analyzed during 3 blocks of trials (each block was varied in order for presenting stimuli and acoustic parameters of horns). It was shown that electrodermal and cardiovascular responses had different reactivity patterns to repeated stimulation. Skin conductance variables (SCL, SCR) were habituated as a function of trial. Cardiac reactivity (HR, RSA) showed no signs of habituation. In contrast, sensitization was shown in the vascular component of response (pulse volume). The temporal EEG exhibited marked habituation of fast beta band power, while alpha-blocking effect did not habituate during the course of experiment. Differentiation of physiological responses of most and least preferred/appropriate horns was possible in this study. That is, some cardiovascular reactivity variables (HR, RSA, pulse volume, etc.) were differentiated between the least and the most preferred/appropriate horns during the experiment. However, EEG and electrodermal parameters showed significant differences only during first block of trials and were later affected by habituation.
