Study on Characteristic of Asian Summer Monsoon by Satellite data and Re-analysis data

  • 발행 : 1999.11.01


The characteristic of East Asian summer monsoon is investigated using 8-year (March 1987-February 1995) - averaged monthly and 5-day mean 1 degree latitude-longitude gridded GMS high-cloud-amount data (HCA). An analysis of these data shows the convective zone (ITCZ) clouds which defined as the percentage of the total grid area covered by clouds with a cloud-top temperature below the 400 hPa-level climatological temperature. The HCA increased clearly over equatorial zone during December and January and 30-40 $^{\circ}$N during May and June. These HCA patterns are coincided with seasonal cycles of summer monsoon which is introduced in historical references. The relationship with the summer monsoon winds as climatological changing of wind direction is analyzed by ECMWF re-analysis 2.5-degree latitude-longitude grid surface data which is calculated with 8-year averaged from January 1987 to January 1995. In addition, the monsoon winds are showed by separated U, V-wind components far manifestation a tendency of onset and retreat data of seasonal monsoon.
