탄화된 페놀레진의 전기화학적 성질

Electrochemical Properties of Carbonized Phenol Resin

  • 발행 : 1999.11.01


For replacing Li metal ai Lithium ton Bakery(LIB) system. we used carbon powder material which prepared by pyrolysis of phenol resin as starting material. It became amorphous carbon by pyrolysis through it\`s self condensation by thermal treatment. Amorphous carbon can be doped with Li intercalation and deintercalation because it has wide interlayer. however it has a problem with structural destroy causing weak carbon-carbon bond. So. we used ZnCl$_2$ as the pore-forming agent. This inorganic salt used together with the resin serves not only as the pore-forming agent to form open pores, which grow Into a three-dimensional network structure in the cured material, foul also as the microstructure-controlling agent to form a loose structure dope with bulky dopants. We analyzed SEM in order to find to different of structure. and can calculate distance of interlayer. CV test showed oxidation and reduction
