파랑하중 및 지진하중을 받는 Steel Jacket의 동적해석

Dynamic Analysis of the Steel Jacket under Wave Force and Earthquake Force

  • 발행 : 1999.04.01


The reliability analysis is of great importance in their design since offshore towers are high-cost and high-risk structures. The design of platforms in the marine environment depends on results of the dynamic behavior of the structure during earthquakes and storm wave conditions. this paper presents results of an analytical study on evaluating dynamic response of steel jacket modelled by space frame elements. program $\boxDr$OFSPC$\boxUl$for the linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis of steel jacket platform has been developed using FORTRAN 90 programing language through the present study. Free vibration and dynamic behavior of steel jackets under regular and irregular wave and earthquake force are investigated using this program
