A Study on the Water Consumption of the Spring Chinese Cabbage in Greenhouse

온실재배 봄배추의 소비수량에 대한 고찰

  • Published : 1999.10.01


This study was performed to figure out an optimum water environment and to obtain the fundamental data related with saving labor and water consumption for the chinese cabbage being grown in greenhouse . The productivity of cabbage cultivated in boty pots and floor were compared to each other in the aspects of height and weight depending on the soil saturation levels. Obtained results are as follows. ; In case of pot cultivation , the height as well as weight of cabbage in 80% soil saturation level(P80) were measured to be larger than those in the other 2 soil saturation leves (P100 and P60). The weight of floor cultivated cabbages were relatively larger than that of pot cultivated ones. In accordance with saturation ration, the general trend of water consumption rate was maximum in P80 and was decreased in the order of P80 , P100 and P60. And the average indoor temperature as well as the plant growth rate were found to be closely related with water consumption rate.
