Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 1998.11a
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- Pages.239-241
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- 1998
Analysis on the Power System Reliability Characteristics according to the High-Efficient End-Use Diffusion
고효율기기의 보급확산에 따른 전력시스템 공급신뢰도의 영향분석
- Chang, Seung-Chan (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hong-Ik University) ;
Hwang, Sung-Wook
(Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hong-Ik University) ;
- Cho, Hyoung-Joon (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hong-Ik University) ;
Kim, Jung-Hoon
(Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hong-Ik University) ;
- Kim, Bal-Ho (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hong-Ik University)
- 장승찬 (홍익대학교 전기제어공학과) ;
(홍익대학교 전기제어공학과) ;
- 조형준 (홍익대학교 전기제어공학과) ;
(홍익대학교 전기제어공학과) ;
- 김발호 (홍익대학교 전기제어공학과)
- Published : 1998.11.28
The probabilistic production simulation of power system generally has been used to formulate a reasonable power production plan or generation planning. It integrates the convolution process of a generating unit's random outage(FOR) with equivalent load duration curve(ELDC), and provides the reliability indices of power system. This paper presents the reliability characteristics of power system reflected on demand side management and proposes the modified ELDC representation technique due to the high-efficient end-use diffusion among the customers. Load reductions are simulated from the multi-state deconvolution process with the saved capacity of end-use. Case study shows the computed reliability from the power system production simulation incorporated with DSM planning scheme.