한국원자력학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference)
- 한국원자력학회 1998년도 춘계학술발표회논문집(1)
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- Pages.899-905
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- 1998
Priority Rankings of the System Modifications to Reduce Core Damage Frequency of Wolsong NPP Units 2/3/4
- Kwon, Jong-Jooh (Korea Electric Power Research Institute nuclear Power Generation Laboratory) ;
- Kim, Myung-Ki (Korea Electric Power Research Institute nuclear Power Generation Laboratory) ;
Seo, Mi-Ro
(Korea Electric Power Research Institute nuclear Power Generation Laboratory) ;
- Hong, Sung-Yull (Korea Electric Power Research Institute nuclear Power Generation Laboratory)
- 발행 : 1998.05.01
The analysis priority makings the recommendation to reduce the total core damage frequency (CDF) of Wolsong nuclear Power Plant nits 2/3/4 was Performed in this paper. In order to derive the recommendation, the sensitivity analysis of CDF on which major contributors effect m performed based on the accident quantification results during Level 1 Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA). Priorities were ranked in tile way that compares the CDF reduction rate with efforts required to implement those recommendations using risk matrix