A Sclable Parallel Labeling Algorithm on Mesh Connected SIMD Computers

메쉬 구조형 SIMD 컴퓨터 상에서 신축적인 병렬 레이블링 알고리즘

  • Published : 1998.10.01


A scalable parallel algorithm is proposed for efficient image component labeling with local operatos on a mesh connected SIMD computer. In contrast to the conventional parallel labeling algorithms, where a single pixel is assigned to each PE, the algorithm presented here is scalable and can assign m$\times$m pixel set to each PE according to the input image size. The assigned pixel set is converted to a single pixel that has representative value, and the amount of the required memory and processing time can be highly reduced. For N$\times$N image, if m$\times$m pixel set is assigned to each PE of P$\times$P mesh, where P=N/m, the time complexity due to the communication of each PE and the computation complexity are reduced to O(PlogP) bit operations and O(P) bit operations, respectively, which is 1/m of each of the conventional method. This method also diminishes the amount of memory in each PE to O(P), and can decrease the number of PE to O(P2) =Θ(N2/m2) as compared to O(N2) of conventional method. Because the proposed parallel labeling algorithm is scalable, we can adapt to the increase of image size without the hardware change of the given mesh connected SIMD computer.
