Stochastic Morphological Sampling Theorem을 이용한 지능형 진화형 수신기 구현

A Design of Intelligent and Evolving Receiver Based on Stochastic Morphological Sampling Theorem

  • 박재현 (고려대학교 전기·전자·전파공학부 통신신호처리 연구실) ;
  • 이경록송문호김운경 (고려대학교 전기·전자·전파공학부 통신신호처리 연구실 고려대학교 전기·전자·전파공학부 통신신호처리 연구실 고려대학교 전기·전자·전파공학부 통신신호처리 연구실)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


In this paper, we introduce the notion of intelligent communication by introducing a novel intelligent receiver model. This receiver is continually evolving and learns and improves in performance as it compiles its experience over time. In digital communication context, in a typical training mode, it jearns the concept of "1" as is deteriorated by arbitrary (not necessarily additive as is typically assumed) disturbance and /or modulation. After learning "1", in test mode, it classifies the received signal "1" and "0" almost completely. The intelligent receiver as implemented is grounded on the recently introduced Stochastic Morphological Sampling Theorem(SMST), a distribution-free result which gives theoretical bounds on the sample complexity(training size) needed for the required performance parameters such as accuracy($\varepsilon$) and confidence($\delta$). Based on this theorem, we demonstrate --almost irrespective of channel and modulation model-- the number of samples needed to learn the concept of "1" is not too "large" and the resulting universal receiver structure, that corresponding to classical Nearest Neighbor rule in Pattern Recognition Theory, is trivial. We check the surprising efficiency and validity of this model through some simple simulations. and validity of this model through some simple simulations.
