Systematization Design of Linear Actuator by using CAE System

  • Cho, Kyeng-Jai (Dept. of Electrical & Electronic eng. Graduate School, Dongshin University Naju) ;
  • Cha, In-Su (Dept. of Electrical & Electronic eng. Dongshin University, Naju) ;
  • Lee, Kwon-Hyun (Dept. of Electronic eng. ChonNam Provincial College of Damyang)
  • Published : 1998.10.01


In this paper, we introduce the design method using CAE(Computer Aided Engineering) which is profitable in the compatibility and standardization of the developed product, and the reduction of construction time and price to develop and design a machine equipment. Particularly, we select the standard model to design or develop from the large machinery to the super precision one, extract the peculiar characters of the model by the close analysis on the physical and technical part, the experiment for the characteristics of objective dimensions by analogical mathematical analysis for previous results, and can induce the design model demanded by user investigating optimal data in the design previous. We present the analogical algorithms and process method of design factors and restriction factors in the systematization design with computer. Then we analyze step functions for each systematization equipment and induce the process of technical data with actuator model.
